Current News: Week 11

Nov 5, 2020


America Braces for Election Results

Threats of protests loomed large over American cities even before election results starting coming in early Monday morning. Many groups have been preparing in the months leading up to the election, and protest turned violent in Washington DC. According to the VOA News, protests on both sides are expected to continue until, at earliest, a winner is decided.

Polls Proved Wrong Again, Accentuating Need For Unbiased Methods

Much like in 2016, the polls fed to American public by the mainstream media were a disaster. Many predicted any easy win for nominee Joe Biden and, when the race turned out to be much closer, the radical left was spurred to violence. The inaccuracy of the polls and the inability for honesty in the mainstream media are a unfortunate thing for American democracy.

CNN Critical of Pro-Trump Protester in Arizona

After months of brushing over the violence of Antifa and BLM protests, CNN has called out Trump supporters who are protesting elections results in Arizona. The crowd was waving American flags and chanting “Count the Vote” which was enough to terrify the CNN anchor on the ground. Yet, business buildings burning in the background and explosions from fireworks being deployed during the BLM riots were “mostly peaceful”.




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